In order to create a customized reading plan, you will need to create a new account. Once you have created an account, you will be directed to a page that allows you to design a customized reading plan.
Setting the Reading Plan Information
You must create a unique name for your plan in the "Plan Name" field. For reading content, select the Life-study of an individual book or a predefined group of Life-studies, located at the bottom of the "Publication:" drop-down list. Then select a start date for your reading plan.
Determining the Daily Reading Options
There are two options for determining the amount of your daily reading in order to complete the reading of the selected publication. You may select either an end date for your reading plan or a specific number of chapters or chapter sections to read each day. If an end date is selected, the program will divide the content evenly, by chapter or section, into the total number of days in the reading plan. If a daily reading amount is selected, the program will assign this amount of material each day and calculate the end date. The "Chapter" option presents each daily reading as a group of chapters (corresponding to the printed book). The "Section" option presents each daily reading as a group of sections; each section is approximately 1,000 words.
Setting the Reading Days Each Week
Finally, select the days of the week to include in your reading plan. The number of days that are selected will be used to determine the amount of reading that is needed in order to complete the reading.
Calculating Your Reading Plan
When you have defined the choices for your reading plan, click on the "Calculate the Reading Plan" button. The program will create the plan and present you with information about the plan. If the plan description is acceptable, click on the "Commit" button; otherwise, click on the "Redesign" button to return to the plan design screen and adjust your plan.
Using Your Reading Plan
Once you commit your reading plan to the server, you will be redirected to your personal reading page. Here you will find your reading plan(s) and for each plan general information about the plan, including your progress in the plan schedule. From this page you can view your daily reading(s) ("Read"), view your plan on a calendar ("Calendar") or as a reading list ("List"), or delete your plan ("Delete"). Each time you log in, you will be brought to this page.
Sharing Reading Plans
You can share your reading plans with another user by clicking on the share plan link. You will need to give your shared reading plan a unique name and password (different from your account user name and password). In addition, if you know of other users who have a shared reading plan, you can join their plan by entering the unique name and password that they have emailed to you.